The Basics, Baby!
I think it's about time to go over some basic aspects of kombucha. I suppose a good place to start may be what is kombucha and why do people drink it? Kombucha, (pronounced com-boo-cha), is a delicately cultured fermented tea beverage. For centuries, people have been drinking kombucha for its reported health benefits. It is often called a "wonder drink".
Millions of people all over the world drink kombucha for a myriad of reasons. The most popular benefit noted is probably the extra energy and overall sense of good health and well being a person feels after having a glass of this sparkling beverage. Some other benefits reported are healhty skin and hair, improved digestion, mental alertness, appetite and weight control, and the list goes on.
I know for myself, that it makes me feel extremely well balanced. My energy levels are effectually doubled after I have a glass in the morning. It curbs my appetite and I think my skin and hair have that lovely, vital "glow" of good health. I think the benefit that I most enjoy, is the way it affects my mood. Kombucha is essentially an anti-depresant to me. I can think of several instances where I was in a less than chipper mood, and after drinking kombucha, I felt like my whole day was turned around. There are some amazing things this drink can do for people. I suppose everyone just has to try it out for themselves to find out.
Millions of people all over the world drink kombucha for a myriad of reasons. The most popular benefit noted is probably the extra energy and overall sense of good health and well being a person feels after having a glass of this sparkling beverage. Some other benefits reported are healhty skin and hair, improved digestion, mental alertness, appetite and weight control, and the list goes on.
I know for myself, that it makes me feel extremely well balanced. My energy levels are effectually doubled after I have a glass in the morning. It curbs my appetite and I think my skin and hair have that lovely, vital "glow" of good health. I think the benefit that I most enjoy, is the way it affects my mood. Kombucha is essentially an anti-depresant to me. I can think of several instances where I was in a less than chipper mood, and after drinking kombucha, I felt like my whole day was turned around. There are some amazing things this drink can do for people. I suppose everyone just has to try it out for themselves to find out.

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