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Wednesday, March 22, 2006 

Kombucha Martini

Ok, so its not alcoholic. But it looks just as cool in a martini glass. Instead of alcohol, I used Red Bull, (a favorite of a special friend of mine). The proportions were 50/50: half kombucha, half Red Bull.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I took the first sip in my mouth. I wasn't very worried that it would be bad, but I didn't think it was going to taste wonderful either. The flavor ended up tasting passable. My latest brew has a tangier flavor than the last, and the Red Bull smooths down the tartness a bit.

This combination works pretty nicely together, and it serves its ultimate purpose as well. After drinking one martini, I felt much more awake and alert. It really jump starts your energy levels. And on the plus side, it is quite an attractive color!

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