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Wednesday, March 01, 2006 

The Perfect Kombucha Container

As I have stated before, I believe I have found the best receptacle for holding Kombucha. Tall, slender and easily to hold on to, they are perfect for storing and transporting. They are actually bottles leftover from GT's Kombucha. GT is a great company, one of the few commercial kombucha manufacturers out there. The bottle and label design is nice and easy on the eyes. They also have a plethora of different varieties and flavors to choose from. So far, my favorite is Mystic Mango (see my review #1). I also like GT's grape flavor. Perhaps I will do a review on that one next. But one of the best benefits of purchasing GT's Kombucha, is that I can reuse the bottle! The lid screws on, and the glass is nice and thick and very good quality. I like to pour off my brew into the glass bottles first and then the rest in a separate container. That way I have a nice, portable vessel to carry my kombucha around in!

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