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Sunday, August 13, 2006 


We camped overnight in a campground near Bagby Hot Springs. In the morning, we packed up and hiked 1 1/2 miles to the springs. Such a beautiful area! Moss and ferns covered the ground and huge trees surrounded us. A lovely river ran along side the trail and where it pooled up, you could see fish swimming.

There is one major spring area and then there are 5 separate enclosed handmade baths. A simple rounded stick stops the hot water from flowing into the tub. There is a hole in the bottom of the tub and a handmade wooden plug keeps the water in.

There is such an assortment of people that come to these springs! We saw a few hippie families complete with their dogs, and several older couples which included two lesbians and a polygamist triad! A very interesting place indeed!

Portland and Astoria are both cities that I found charming in their own ways. With its historical downtown district, Portland reminded me a lot of downtown SLC, but more bicycle friendly and clean. Nicknamed the "Little San Fransisco of the Northwest", Astoria is a beautiful town with a high bridge and an old neighborhood twisting and winding its way up a lush green hill. Both of these lovely cities will be forever imprinted in my mind.

1 comment

the pic of you on the road between the giant trees is just awesome. later.

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