81 Different Names for Kombucha
Kombucha has a vast history and is brewed all over the world. In its many homes and travels this fermented beverage has accumulated quite the load of names. For your curiosity, enjoyment and perhaps for your boredom, I have listed them below:
1. Algae Fungus
2. Algentee (German)
3. Brinum-Ssene (Latvian for wondrous mushroom)
4. Cajnyi Kvas (Russian)
5. Cajnyj Grib (Russian)
6. Chamboucho (Rumanian)
7. Champagne of Life
8. Champignon Miracle (French)
9. Champignon or Elixir de Longue Vie Combucha (French)
10. Chinapilz (German)
11. Chinesischer Teepilz (German)
12. Comboucha (French/Japanese)
13. CombuchagetrNnk (German)
14. Divine Che
15. Fungojapon (former commercial name)
16. Fungus Tea
17. Funko Cinese (Italian)
18. Gichtqualle (German for gout jellyfish)
19. Gift of Life
20. Godly Tshce
21. Gout/Hero Fungus
22. Haipao
23. Heldenpilz (German for hero's mushroom)
24. Hongo (Spanish)
25. Indian Wine Fungus/Mushroom
26. Indisch-Japanischer Teepilz (German)
27. Indischer Weinpilz (German)
28. Indischer Teeschwamm (German)
29. Indischer Teepilz (German)
30. Japanese Fungus/Sponge
31. Japanische Combucha (German)
32. Japanischer Teepilz (German)
33. Japanisches Mutterchen (German)
34. Japanpilz (German)
35. Japanskij Grib (Russian)
36. Kargasok Teepilz (German for tea mushroom)
37. Kargasok Schwamm (German for sponge)
38. Kargasoktee (German for tea)
39. Kouchakinoko (Japanese for black tea/mushroom)
40. Kombucha Sponge/Kvass
41. Kombucha Thee (Dutch)
42. Kombuchamost (German)
43. Kombucahschwamm (German)
44. Kombuchawein (German)
45. Kongo
46. Kvass/Kwas
47. K'un-Pu-Ch'a
48. Ling Zhi (Chinese)
49. Little Japanese Mother
50. Ma-Gu
51. Magic Mushroom
52. Manchurian Elixir/Fungus/Sponge/Tea
53. Medusa Tea
54. Miracle Mushroom
55. Mo-Gn (former commercial term)
56. Olinka (Bohemian)
57. Red Tea Fungus
58. Reishi (Japanese)
59. Russian Flower/Jelly-fish
60. Russian Tea-Vinegar
61. Russische Blume (German for Russian flower)
62. Russische Mutter (German for Russian mother)
63. Te-Aramoana
64. Tea Fungus/Wine/Beer/Cider
65. Tea Mould (Javanese)
66. Tea Plant/Beast
67. Tee Kwass
68. Teemost (German for tea must/cider)
69. Teyi Saki (Armenian)
70. Thee-Schimmel (Dutch)
71. Theebier (Dutch)
72. Theezwam Komboecha (Dutch)
73. Titania
74. Tschambucco
75. Tsche of Kombu
76. Volga Mushroom/Jellyfish
77. Wunderpilz (German for wondrous mushroom)
78. Yaponge
79. Zauberpilz (German for magic mushroom)
80. Zaubersaft (German for magic juice)
81. Zaubertrank (German for magic potion)
List taken from the book "Kombucha Rediscovered" by Klaus Kaufmann
1. Algae Fungus
2. Algentee (German)
3. Brinum-Ssene (Latvian for wondrous mushroom)
4. Cajnyi Kvas (Russian)
5. Cajnyj Grib (Russian)
6. Chamboucho (Rumanian)
7. Champagne of Life
8. Champignon Miracle (French)
9. Champignon or Elixir de Longue Vie Combucha (French)
10. Chinapilz (German)
11. Chinesischer Teepilz (German)
12. Comboucha (French/Japanese)
13. CombuchagetrNnk (German)
14. Divine Che
15. Fungojapon (former commercial name)
16. Fungus Tea
17. Funko Cinese (Italian)
18. Gichtqualle (German for gout jellyfish)
19. Gift of Life
20. Godly Tshce
21. Gout/Hero Fungus
22. Haipao
23. Heldenpilz (German for hero's mushroom)
24. Hongo (Spanish)
25. Indian Wine Fungus/Mushroom
26. Indisch-Japanischer Teepilz (German)
27. Indischer Weinpilz (German)
28. Indischer Teeschwamm (German)
29. Indischer Teepilz (German)
30. Japanese Fungus/Sponge
31. Japanische Combucha (German)
32. Japanischer Teepilz (German)
33. Japanisches Mutterchen (German)
34. Japanpilz (German)
35. Japanskij Grib (Russian)
36. Kargasok Teepilz (German for tea mushroom)
37. Kargasok Schwamm (German for sponge)
38. Kargasoktee (German for tea)
39. Kouchakinoko (Japanese for black tea/mushroom)
40. Kombucha Sponge/Kvass
41. Kombucha Thee (Dutch)
42. Kombuchamost (German)
43. Kombucahschwamm (German)
44. Kombuchawein (German)
45. Kongo
46. Kvass/Kwas
47. K'un-Pu-Ch'a
48. Ling Zhi (Chinese)
49. Little Japanese Mother
50. Ma-Gu
51. Magic Mushroom
52. Manchurian Elixir/Fungus/Sponge/Tea
53. Medusa Tea
54. Miracle Mushroom
55. Mo-Gn (former commercial term)
56. Olinka (Bohemian)
57. Red Tea Fungus
58. Reishi (Japanese)
59. Russian Flower/Jelly-fish
60. Russian Tea-Vinegar
61. Russische Blume (German for Russian flower)
62. Russische Mutter (German for Russian mother)
63. Te-Aramoana
64. Tea Fungus/Wine/Beer/Cider
65. Tea Mould (Javanese)
66. Tea Plant/Beast
67. Tee Kwass
68. Teemost (German for tea must/cider)
69. Teyi Saki (Armenian)
70. Thee-Schimmel (Dutch)
71. Theebier (Dutch)
72. Theezwam Komboecha (Dutch)
73. Titania
74. Tschambucco
75. Tsche of Kombu
76. Volga Mushroom/Jellyfish
77. Wunderpilz (German for wondrous mushroom)
78. Yaponge
79. Zauberpilz (German for magic mushroom)
80. Zaubersaft (German for magic juice)
81. Zaubertrank (German for magic potion)
List taken from the book "Kombucha Rediscovered" by Klaus Kaufmann
Hi, KombuchaCHIC!
it's Rando from BF. I've got a blog on here too. check it out if you want.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:34 AM
it's Rando from BF!
I have a blog too---
check it out if you're bored.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:40 AM